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FORUM ARCHIVE: Working Toward Retirement Security: Policies to Help Extend the Working Life of Older Americans

January 18, 2008

A public forum sponsored by the Social Security Advisory Board and the University of Illinois Center for Business and Public Policy January 18, 2008, Washington D.C.



Forum Presentations

1. Removing Barriers to and Providing Incentives for Longer Work Lives

Alicia Munnell, Drucker Professor of Management Sciences and Director of the Center for Retirement Research, Boston College
“Changing Employment Incentives and Claiming Behavior”

John Shoven, Schwab Professor of Economics and Director of the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, Stanford University
“Removing the Disincentives of Long Careers in Social Security and Medicare”

Eugene Steuerle, Senior Fellow, Urban Institute
“Improving Financial Security Through Longer Working Lives”

2. International, Federal, and State Perspectives

Keith Brainard, Research Director, National Association of State Retirement Administrators
“The State and Local Government Retirement Model”

Thomas Dowd, Administrator, Office of Policy Development and Research, Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor

John Martin, Director, Employment, Labor and Social Affairs, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
“Some Suggestions for Reforms Based on OECD Countries’ Experiences”


3. Employer and Employee Perspectives

Cynthia Donohoe, Vice President, Benefits, BAE Systems, Inc.

Kevin Mahoney, Associate Director, Human Capital Leadership and Merit System Accountability Division, U.S. Office of Personnel Management
“Attracting Talent- A 21st Century Approach”

Gerald Shea, Assistant to the President for Governmental Affairs, AFL-CIO
“In America, A Long Lifetime of Work Can be Rewarding, and Pay Off in Retirement”


Keynote Speaker:

Edward P. Lazear, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers
“The Size of the Federal Government”