Washington – Today, the Social Security Advisory Board releases the report of its independent IT Systems Expert Panel entitled “Essential Changes Imperative for the Success of Social Security’s IT Modernization and Future Operations.”
The Board appointed the Panel to review Social Security’s efforts to modernize its IT, which is essential to delivering effective service to the public.
The Panel, chaired by Alan Balutis, PhD and composed of distinguished and experienced experts, completed a detailed examination of the IT Modernization Plan, including stakeholder interviews with representatives from state and federal agencies, advocacy groups, and systems end-users. As part of its assessment, the Panel also consulted Social Security executives for updates on modernization progress and shared insights and guidance to help the agency achieve its goals.
The Panel report includes recommendations in four key areas: operating model, governance infrastructure, IT modernization strategy, and customer experience. A list of the specific recommendations is summarized on pages 31-32 of the report and in the executive summary.
The Panel will present its findings at the Board’s virtual public session on Friday, January 29 at 11 am. Registration for the Zoom webinar is open to the public.
Register to attend the Zoom webinar
Board Chair, Kim Hildred, said:
Social Security’s efforts to successfully modernize its information technology is essential to meet the pace of technological advancement, demographic shifts, and rising customer expectations. The Panel’s report recognizes Social Security’s progress to date and identifies opportunities for improvements going forward. The Board thanks the Panel for their extensive efforts under the leadership of Dr. Balutis and looks forward to working with Social Security as they consider the Panel’s recommendations.”
The Board’s mission is to advise the President, Congress, and Commissioner of Social Security on the Social Security and Supplemental Security Income programs. The Board is comprised of Presidential and Congressional appointees with a professional staff.