Washington, DC – On August 25, 2023, from 9:30 am to 4 pm ET, the Board will convene panels of experts to discuss their perspectives on the future of mortality, disability, and work to help inform assumptions used in projecting the finances of the Old-Age and Survivors and Disability Insurance trust funds.
Each 90-minute session will include brief presentations from the Social Security Administration’s Office of the Chief Actuary and other invited experts, followed by a moderated discussion. The tentative schedule is:
9:45 am Mortality
11:30 am Disability
2:00 pm Work
We hope you’ll join us for this important conversation – additional details to follow.
The Board is committed to ensuring all sessions are accessible to the public. Public sessions will be recorded with live closed captioning. To request accommodations, please email events@ssab.gov. The Board can meet requests more effectively if notice is provided at least five business days before the event.
The Board’s mission is to advise the President, Congress, and Commissioner of Social Security on the Social Security and Supplemental Security Income programs. The Board is comprised of Presidential and Congressional appointees with professional staff.