SSAB to Host a Roundtable on Supplemental Security Income and Incarceration
The Board will hold a virtual roundtable on Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Incarceration on Monday, September 9, 2024.
DetailsNancy Altman Reappointed to SSAB
Nancy Altman, of Bethesda, Maryland, has been reappointed by the House of Representatives to the Social Security Advisory Board for a six-year term effective Friday, June 21, 2024, until June 21, 2030.
DetailsSSAB Releases Paper on Disability Benefit Effectuation
Today, the Board released Effectuation of Disability Benefits.
Raising the Alarm on the Unintended Consequences of Social Security’s Return to Work Policies
Raising the Alarm on the Unintended Consequences of Social Security’s Return to Work Policies
In this paper, independent researchers Jack Smalligan and Chantel Boyens examine work-related overpayments in SSDI and SSI programs among beneficiaries who work with a focus on the root causes of overpayments.